Sunday, August 21, 2016


Yet what was there to be learnt

Yet what was there to be learnt when the troubles had duly passed,
But that struggle meant sacrifice and that sacrifice was unending.
That what was lost could never be reclaimed,
That there was no salvaging of it.

And so it is,
That there are many tales of glory,
But few of sacrifice,
In the myths and fables,
Of struggle and revolution.

For struggle is not momentary,
It is ever-ongoing,
And what is endured is a thing of sacrifice,
A thing that time cannot repair.
A thing of endurance,
And not of interruption.

A rupture in time that can never be sealed,
Like the scarred flesh of a wound,
A rupture in time that can never be sown back,
That can never be remade whole.
A mark never born alone,
That’s what sacrifice is.
There are tales of struggle that soar very high,
But they can never convey with the fullness of truth,
What sacrifice wreaks in the circles and cycles of life.

And it does not do it once,
And it does not do it twice,
But it does it still.

It spreads outwards into the lives of others,
And they are bound to it as were you.
It is an unending trauma that sacrifice inflicts,
An open wound that will not heal.

Between pain and loss it moves,
Yet sacrifice is not brokenness,
And about this I must be clear,
For sacrifice is not a dearth of spirit,
But a commitment to it.

For brokenness reigns when you are unable to struggle.
Brokenness is not struggle.
Yet painful it is,
It is not struggle.
Yet lasting it is,
It is not struggle.
It does not sacrifice,
It hasn’t the choice,
But to endure its plight.
Brokenness does not know,
And it does not venture to seek out choice.

Yet that is not the whole of it,
For there are those that know not either,
Neither sacrifice nor brokenness have they endured.
And yet their notions duly fool them,
That struggle is their pledge.

For that struggle that they pledge,
Knows nothing of the edge,
Of revolution.
That severs as it turns,
And turns for evermore.
The spirit is its engine,
And struggle is its chore.

Space may bend,
And time may follow,
And matter may call them both,
But of struggle it is certain,
It knows no safely guarded berth.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Ageless Leo

This age thing,
I was hoping,
It would be a sage thing,
But somedays,
It feels like nothing,
But an age thing,
A not to slumber on thing,
But a gauge thing,
Like a weather thing,
Where any thing,
Is everything

But for a moment,
I am not a thing,
And a birthday brings,
More rings,
And more greetings,
To remind me,
That life flings,
More numbers,
And more learnings,
More slumbers,
And more churnings,
Every cell is replaced,
Every 11 months
How then,
Can an age thing,
Define anything?
I am more,
Than anybody can sing,
Than any poets words can ring,
I am not a thing,

But an ageless everything